Monday, July 2, 2007

Nate's Weekend Breakfasts

I'm one lucky lady! Nate made me breakfast this past Saturday AND Sunday!! Saturday was a fun experiment gone right~ Breakfast Souffle

Recipe, improvised
He followed the Biscut instructions on the bisquick box and that was the bottom layer in a corningware dish

Then he whiped together
4 eggs
dash of salt and pepper
1/4 of a sweet white onion, chopped
1/2 cup cubed sharp cheddar cheesse
~next time we will add a 1/2 cup of cubbed ham as well!~
Then bake at 325 for about 20 minutes (our oven is whack, so keep an eye)

Day 2 (Sunday)
Was good ole fried eggs and biscuts, I love a man that cooks!

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