Do you love the Oscars?? Or..... not so much.
I do actually have a day job, otherwise you'd be overloaded with a zillion updates over here and I'd probably not be running all over creation on adventures all the time. Gotta earn the moo-lah for all those adventures somehow...
For the past seven years (dang, that's crazy!) I have been working in fine jewelry, every day, surrounded by beautiful, amazing jewels. It's pretty cool, and the ultra gorgeous line I work for now is very well versed in reg carpet glam, so the Oscars (and all the major awards shows) are a big deal and loads of big work in our neck of the woods.
When it comes time for the big ones like Golden Globes or the ultimate- the Oscars, we host a suite in our studio for stylists and celebrities to come view the jewelry in a relaxing, gorgeous environment- great drinks, food and music while you pick out their bling for presenting or receiving.

Sweet Life Kitchen will be catering the ERICA COURNTEY Oscar Suite this year and in honor of the red carpet extravaganza, we'll be GIVING AWAY A COOKBOOK!!

This is a collaboration of all kinds of great American fashion (AND JEWELRY) designers!!
My boss, THE Erica Courtney, has a recipe featured in the book that makes buying it totally worth it (and winning it a REAL treat!!)
Erica's recipe is the (BEST) Red Velvet top-secret-until-now-straight-from-real-deal-Louisiana Cake recipe!!
So here's how it works, easy- just post a comment here that somehow relates to food you would serve at an Oscar party, your favorite Oscar moment, or why you'd love to have a copy of this glamorous cookbook!!
Since the 82nd Academy Awards are only a week away on March 7th, 2010 this contest will conclude ONE WEEK AFTER the awards on SUNDAY MARCH 14th at 8pm (PST)...so you have until then to post a comment here!!
Good Luck!