Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday Tweet Treats~ Peach Pie Honey Q

YAY!! It's THURSDAY!! Time for our Thursday TWEET Treat, just a little bit more work-week and it will be Saturday :o)
In case you are just tuning in, and wondering what the heck a Tweet Treat is, lemme bring you up to speed...If you CLICK HERE to follow me on Twitter, every Thursday I will TWEET a complete recipe- ingredients, instructions all in 140 characters or less!! A recipe has to easy-peasy when it can only be a few sentences max.
The recipe itself can be found only on Twitter, every Thursday. This weeks Tweet Treat is a Peach Pie Honey Q...wonder how to make it? Fly on over to Twitter to see!


You know me, I can't resist snappin at least one you can always SEE the TWEET TREAT recipe here in the Sweet Life Kitchen.

This is a very simple dessert that is also very yummy! This would be a great hands-on recipe to make with the kids and because it is lil individual pie curly que, you could doll these up with a baby scoop of vanilla ice cream for a dinner party!

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